Vision Quest. Maybe in 2021…TBA

I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching on fire.
I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance, to live so that which came to me as seed, goes to the next blossom, and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.
-Dawn Markova-

The spirits are happy we are coming!

The spirits are happy we are coming!
Removed from the distractions of modern daily life, guided by your own true nature, and the wild nature around you, dive into the still waters of your soul and find your authentic voice, the one that longs to be heard.
The demands of daily life give us no time to pause, reflect and listen to the voice of our hearts. The Vision Quest is a nature-based rite of passage that has been used in some form since the dawn of man in the search for inspiration.
To open the soul to the universal language of nature, our Quest relies on ancient traditions updated to fit our modern world. This vision quest is based on the simple premise that prayer and spiritual connection to nature can open our hearts and reveal answers to the deepest mysteries of life.
As if three days of solo time in the woods weren’t already a huge gift in a life filled with business and over-stimulation, the sacred and loving support of Rose added immeasurable strength and depth to my time in the Deep. My Vision Quest journeys continue to resonate in my life with wise guidance, deeper awareness of the support of Spirit, and the ‘unexpected gift’ of continued journeys with my fellow Questors.” Becky Carroll, PhD, Washington, DC
Here’s our Vision Quest Schedule & Description
Guide: Rose Khalsa
If you want to do the quest, please contact Rose for preparations.
Application: Send to Rose Khalsa, 5 Forest Row, Great Barrington, Mass. 01230
Cost: $700 sliding scale available.
Send a $200 deposit made out to Rose Khalsa
2016 Vision Quest :
Price include 3% charge for credit card processing.
For more info please contact Rose at 413-645-3194 or at
Guides: Rose Khalsa, the fire tenders, supporters and cook.
The Polarity Center and Shamanic Studies is based at
Mailing Address:
The Polarity Center and Shamanic Studies
5 Forest Row, Great Barrington, Ma 01230 and offices in Takoma Park Md..