Private Sessions with Rose

If you read my web site you will get a sense of what I have to offer and the years of sharing my work with thousand of people, making a difference in transforming their lives.

Let me know how I can support your healing and I will meet you there. Sessions can be done in person or long distance.

* Shamanic Healing : There are many times in our lives when energy can be blocked due to stress and trauma. An experienced shamanic healer has tools that can support you in these ways:

  1. Clearing  the energy field  and removing stagnant energy, cords, curses and emotional holdings. This could also be past life issues and old ancestral patterns.
  2. Soul Retrieval  or commonly known as ” soul loss”can occur from trauma. With compassion and deep awareness, I can support my clients to find their way back HOME with the help of my teachers and guides. I believe soul retrieval is a “process” and is a powerful piece in a person’s life journey into being fully here on the Earth. I often combine the clearing with soul retrieval work as most folks need them both when done. The session is usually two hrs or more as I spend time in prayer, ceremony and an integration period as part of the session.
  3. Depossession: Sometimes if a person has had major soul loss, there can be energy holes in their field and that sometimes can be an invitation for negative energy to come in. If this happens and this energy continues to grow it takes over their system. Shamanically we call this becoming “possessed.” Rarely, but it does happen, as person can become possessed by another soul. I work with specific teachers who guide me in supporting the gentle releasing of this energy so the client can be freed up to be themselves. They then begin the journey of “rebuilding” their body and soul to become happy and whole, in their personal power. This session is done before Soul Retrieval.

Supporting the Dying:  The shaman supports death and birth. Compassionate Dying is a subject I am passionate about teaching. Part if this process is knowing how to help “lost” souls sometimes known as “hungry ghosts” cross over. This is known as psycho-pomp. Bringing love and support to the families and the person who had passed is also essential to know as death is part of all of our lives one way or another..

Spiritual Protection: There are many times we become vulnerable and need protection. This can be from someone being jealous of you, saying gossip or intentionally wanting to send you harm. I use mantras, and other techniques used with prayer to help a person feel safe and secure.

Intuitive Readings: Using the help of my teachers and the  drum I am able to access information from your guides and ancestors. Many times this happens in any of the sessions we do. The information many times confirms your own body awareness of truth.

The circle is there to bring you support, healing and love.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: Twenty five years ago I studied Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy after my Polarity Therapy Training. Since, I have worked on thousands of clients and have developed my own version of the work, combining shamanic and visionary skills with the biodynamic foundation. This work is deeply healing and supports all levels of the body, specifically the nervous systems, where we hold all stories of stress and trauma.

Sessions are usually 90 minutes.Please read the page under Lifework.

Polarity Therapy: Dr. Randolf Stome was a healer and visionary. When his work walked into my life in 1985 I could not believe how it totally supported the lifestyle I was living doing yoga, meditation and on the Dharma Path.

After 25 years of teaching and practicing this amazing modality, I still love it and use it as a foundation for all my bodywork sessions. Polarity Therapy is a holistic form of Energy Medicine that works with 4 aspects to support my clients: bodywork, proper nutrition, polarity yoga and self awareness. There are pages to read more under Life’s work.

Sessions are 90 minutes and Mentorship Style certification programs are available upon request..

Long Distance Healing: Sometimes I feel the long distance work is more powerful than in person. I have powerful teachers and guides who just show up and support the healing wherever you are. Sessions can be anywhere from half an hr. to two.

How are sessions Conducted and Cost?

I prefer in person, but long distance is available through the phone or Skype. I work in Great Barrington Mass. ( where I live)  and Silver Spring Md. My fee is $120 an hr and $160 for an hr and a half.

Soul Retrieval is $200 and pro-rated if less than 2 hrs. Sliding scale upon request.  Payment with Paypal, cash, checks and Venmo.

I look forward to supporting your healing!

The Polarity Center and Shamanic Studies is based at

Mailing Address:
22 Bisbee Rd, Chesterfield, Ma, 01012

Telephone number: 240-441-7673