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Craniosacral Therapy

For those interested in learning the powerful healing system of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy using our divine guidance to see the invisible — shamanic work that perceives with the inner eye, listens with the inner ear and feels with the inner heart.

Rose Khalsa

is the Director of The Polarity Center & Shamanic Studies. She has been teaching internationally for over 40 years. Rose offers trainings in polarity therapy, craniosacral visionary work and shamanism, and integrates nature-based and holistic approaches to healing in her private practice. Her healing work includes polarity therapy, biodynamic cranio-sacral therapy, spiritual counseling and shamanic healing. Native American ( Ojibway), Celtic and Tibetan Buddhism are integrated into Rose’s life and work and are shared as part of her Medicine.

Rose has studied with Rosalyn Bruyere, Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner, Tom Cowan and spent years studying with Tibetan shamans in Nepal. Her main teachers for her healing work have been the late Dr. Randolph Stone, and the teachings from Dr. William Sutherland, founder of Polarity Therapy and Biodynamic Cranial Work. Rose’s present teacher is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche, from the Bon tradition.

Rose Khalsa

Director of The Polarity Center & Shamanic Studies

  • Dr. Mike Brennor
    Rose will help develop your abilities to open the space of healing, and to sustain it, through presence, awareness, intention, and deep caring. Her emphasis is on strengthening the most basic of all practitioner’s skills: listening with compassion and attention, to that which unfolds before you, and within you.
    Dr. Mike Brennor
  • Marie Rodriguez
    My cranial work has taken on a whole new dimension thanks to the techniques I learned while studying with Rose. I found her approach inspiring and easy to apply, not only in treatments but in my daily life. I really appreciated how she colorfully blended elements of shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism and polarity therapy. She truly honors this work as the healing art it is.
    Marie Rodriguez
    N.D., Washington, DC
  • Paulette Robinson
    The Vision Quest was life changing not only for myself, but for those I prayed for. It helped me to release energy that had been binding me to old patterns and to move forward with my life. I highly recommend it for anyone!
    Paulette Robinson
    Bowie, MD
  • Mary Andrews
    I am so grateful I found Rose. She has helped me in such a powerful way with her skills as a healer, shaman and wise woman. When I first came to see her I was suffering from depression and anxiety. She has supported me in seeing a new way of being that is filled with practical skills that I have applied to my life in may ways. Thank you Rose!
    Mary Andrews

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