Beloved Community,
I am delighted to be starting a New Shamanic Healing Training called, The Heart of the Drum.
This a a nine month shamanic training that will be in a private home in Silver Spring Md.
You will need to call me and have a short interview as I need to know you are stable enough to do the shamanic work.
I am a Medicine elder and have been teaching shamanic healing for many years. I am delighted to be starting this new shamanic class and am open to sharing this medicine with you all.
Classes will be on a Sunday and a Monday every other month.The address for the class is 809 Stirling Rd, Silver Spring Md. It is close to the Silver Spring and Forrest Glenn metro.
Mailing address is PO Box 154, Chesterfield, MA 01012 phone is 240-441-7673 is my e-mail.
Rose Khalsa
We will meet every other month for nine weekends, from 10-5pm. The first class is October 19th, 20th The class is $300 per class.
The Medicine way is to give tobacco to your teacher. I ask for this with a letter of why you wish to study with me. This will be on the alter for the entire nine months.
You will need to have an interview with me so we can see why you want to study with me.You will pay when you come to class. Checks, cash or Venmo or Pay Pal please.
It is all based on the Honor System.
This is a personal journey of studying in a small group with a medicine elder who has been teaching and in private practice for over 40 years. Class will be limited to 8-10 students.
Testimonial: ” I have been a student of Rose and was blessed to be a part of the Shamanic Training. Rose is sincere, insightful, and a wise woman. She is a woman who listens to spirit and with love she teaches to the people. From her lessons of ancient knowing, both soul and spiritual growth are the rewards I received.” Eloise Smith Wright
Tuition: $2,700 and can be paid when you come to class. Even if you miss a class, you will need to pay as the tuition is set for the whole training. Register by sending a deposit and that will go towards the last class, via PayPal, Venmo, or a check sent to PO Box 154, Chesterfield, Ma. 01012.
Deadline for registration is September 1st, 2025. Best to contact Rose to see if the class is full.
I ask that each student makes a commitment to be there for each class. The energy within the circle will be sacred and we will go deep with our work.
All students will have a personal connection to Rose. If they are interested in apprenticing, they will need to write a letter of intention along with tobacco .
First Class: October 19th, 20th: The Sacred Medicine Wheel and The Red Road
This weekend is the foundation of the training. We will learn how to journey with the drum, how to set up and alter, and the teachings of the Guardians of the Eleven directions taught by the elders of the First Nation.
This first month we will learn the Medicine Wheel and the Addiction Wheel which is the human struggles of walking the sacred path. The amazing awareness is that within each Lodge is the opportunity for healing any trauma by simply being open to change, transformation and forgiveness.
Second Class, Nov.23, 24th: Connecting to Spirit: We will learn how to pray and journey to the three realms using the drum, the rattle and our prayers. We will meet our spirit guides and begin to learn how to communicate with them for divination and healing. Using the power of nature, openness and wisdom teachings, we will begin to understand how to do spiritual healing by making it a lifestyle.
Third Class, 2026 Jan.11th, 12th: Clearing and Healing the Body: As a healer we need to be able to see energy blocks in the body and etheric fields and have the tools to clear them. This weekend we will learn various tools for keeping the body healthy, happy and holy. We will learn how to use prayer as a protection from the evil eye and certain mantras for healing and protection.
Fourth Class, Feb. 22nd, 23rd :Divination and Tuva Medicine: Working with the drum is powerful. We will learn how to connect with the power of the land and the spirit helpers for protection and divination. We will learn word doctoring and soul hiding.
Fifth Class,:April 12th, 13th: Chod and Feeding Your Demons: This weekend we will spend Saturday learning the Chod practice from Tsultrum Allione, and teachings from Machig Lapdron . Sunday we will continue with learning the Community Chod practice, and Curse Breaking techniques, and the Metta meditation practice.
Sixth Class :May 23rd, 24th: Compassionate Death: We will learn the teachings on supporting a person and their family during the death process. Teachings on the bardo, psycho pomp and supporting souls who are struggling in the middle world will be shared. Powa will be taught and shared as a support for the dying and for ourselves to prepare for our own death. Many of the teachings this weekend are from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. We will end the weekend with making a Prayer Bundle called a Despacho for the collective grief of the world that will be released in the waters.
Seventh Class : July 11th, 12th: Deposession : We will spend the weekend learning how to work with a client who has various levels of possession, which is a deep layer of energy blockage that has overtaken their system. This is very powerful work and we will learn how to release lost souls that become attached to someone, using psychopomp and prayers.
Eight Class:Aug.29th, 30th: Soul Retrieval: When one experienced trauma a part of the soul can fragment. This is called soul loss. This weekend we will learn how to bring back lost soul parts so the person can be whole. This topic is extended into the next weekend also.
Items you will need for the class. Yo do not need to get all before the class but these are tools we will be using: A frame drum ( one that connects to your heart energy), a rattle, a mala ( prayer beads). Random items will be a notebook, tobacco, eye covering and blanket.
Ninth Class: The Munay Ki Sacred Rites: October 11th, 12th and GRADUATION CEREMONY!!! I love to teach this at the end of the training. It is like the icing on the cake! The teachings come from the Quechua People of Peru. They are nine and a thirteenth transmission of light that supports empowerment and incredible healing for the heart and soul. It will be my way of bringing some of the “medicine” of Peru to you. And, these rites are to be SHARED with others.
Price: $2,700
I’ve always been drawn to Native teachings and feel more peaceful when in nature. While contemplating whether to take the Shamanic Apprenticeship Training taught by Rose, a good friend who had already taken the course said to me, “it will change your life.” As my friend is retired Army and gives good sound advice, I thought, why not? I’m sure I’ll learn something new and interesting. What an understatement! It’s hard to put into words everything I learned and gained from the training. However, I can say, it did change my life!! My relationships with: people, animals, nature, Spirit, and especially myself are fuller, more enhanced, peaceful, and enjoyable. I will forever be grateful for Rose’s wisdom, teachings, friendship and love which helped to instill a renewed appreciation for each day I walk my journey.
Lorrie Y, Md