
October 24, 2013

Making My Drum

For many years I have had drums that I have used for my shamanic and ceremonial work. I know they are sacred and I sometimes refers […]
April 9, 2013

Open To Stillness, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, 2023

I am very excited to share that I will be starting a new Craniosacral Training here in Mass. The one I have been teaching for 4 […]
November 15, 2011

Mary Andrews

I am so grateful I found Rose. She has helped me in such a powerful way with her skills as a healer, shaman and wise woman. […]
May 27, 2010

The Chod Practice

The Tibetan people have thousands of years of spiritual knowledge that is available for the opportunity to awaken. I was blessed in my Tibetan shamanic studies […]